Take part in a clinical trial and help us advancing medical research !

The different steps


We are constantly looking for new volunteers for our clinical studies. You can register by phone, email or simply online via our registration form. This registration is free and has no commitments. This allows you to be registered in our database and to be contacted directly when we start a recruitment for one of our studies. We are committed to respecting your privacy and the law on the protection of personal data. You are free to unsubscribe at any time upon request.

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We are constantly looking for new volunteers for our clinical studies. You can register by phone, email or simply online via our registration form. This registration is free and has no commitments. This allows you to be registered in our database and to be contacted directly when we start a recruitment for one of our studies. We are committed to respecting your privacy and the law on the protection of personal data. You are free to unsubscribe at any time upon request.

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Selection visit

Selection visit

The medical screening visit takes place approximately 3 weeks before the start of the study. Its purpose is to establish a general health check and to verify that you meet all the eligibility criteria to participate in the study. Beforehand, you will have to sign an informed consent; you will have the opportunity to read it and freely ask all your questions to the medical doctor or a member of his team. The medical visit includes: age, weight, height, medical history, drug treatments, clinical examination, blood test, urine sample, blood pressure, heart rate, electrocardiogram, etc…

Before administration

Before administration

If the results of your selection visit match the eligibility criteria of the Study Protocol, if you respected the restrictions and that the investigator and the sponsor agreed, you can continue the selection process. You will be admitted to the clinical unit the day before the drug administration to check the latest eligibility parameters. The nurse will install you in your room for the period of hospitalization provided by the protocol of the study. This period is usually from 2 to 3 days but can be up to 3 weeks.

The day of administration

The day of administration

The day of the administration of the test-drug is often a day filled with many medical procedures. They are performed strictly and repeatedly, at specific times: blood tests, blood pressure, heart rate, electrocardiogram, collection of urine, …. Other examinations may complete this non-exhaustive list. Throughout your stay in the hospital, you will be under permanent medical supervision by our team of clinicians.

Ambulatory visits

Ambulatory visits

When the period of hospitalization is over, the study doctor will authorize you to leave the clinical unit after a thorough medical examination to ensure that you leave the unit in good health. Then you will have to go to the clinic within days of going out, usually in the morning, to take blood samples and perform other medical procedures. The number of these outpatient visits varies from one study to another and is scheduled at the beginning of the clinical study.

End of study visit

End of study visit

The end-of-study visit is the last medical visit that closes the clinical trial. During this appointment, we will perform the same exams as the selection visit: blood test, urine sample, blood pressure, heart rate, weight, electrocardiogram, etc. During this visit, you will also be examined by the medical doctor to make sure you are in good health. It is after the end of this last visit, that we will be able to compensate you

Our studies

M2736 Partie IA : Etude avec 4 courtes hospitalisations et 12 visites ambulatoires

Etude pour femmes, IMC entre 18 et 28 kg/m², 4 hospitalisations de 2 nuits, 12 visites ambulatoires
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M2736 Partie IIA : Etude avec une longue hospitalisation et 3 visites ambulatoires

Etude pour femmes, IMC entre 18 et 28 kg/m², 1 hospitalisation de 17 nuits, 3 visites ambulatoires
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M2736 Partie IB : Etude avec 4 courtes hospitalisations et 12 visites ambulatoires

Etude pour hommes, IMC entre 18 et 28 kg/m², 4 hospitalisations de 2 nuits, 12 visites ambulatoires
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M2736 Partie IIB : Etude avec une longue hospitalisation et 3 visites ambulatoires

Etude pour hommes, IMC entre 18 et 28 kg/m², 1 hospitalisation de 17 nuits, 3 visites ambulatoires
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M2607 : Etude de courte durée pour hommes de 18 à 55 ans

Recrutement groupe 6 clôturé - pré-recrutement groupe 7 en cours (dates à définir)
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Pré-recrutement : étude sur un vaccin contre le HPV

Femmes et hommes de 18 à 45 ans - IMC 18,5 à 32
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M2611 : Groupes 6, 7 et 8. Hommes et femmes de 18 à 45 ans

Recrutement groupe 6-7-8 clôturé
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M2606 Gr5C : Etude de longue durée pour hommes de 18 à 45 ans

Recrutement clôturé
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M2610 Gr5 : Etude pour femmes de 18 à 40 ans

Recrutement clôturé
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M2290 Part IV Gr2: études pour hommes et dames en surpoids

Recrutement clôturé
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M2617 : Etude courte pour hommes et dames ménopausées de 18 à 55 ans

Recrutement Groupe 3 clôturé
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M2644 Gr6: Etude pour hommes et femmes de 18 à 55 ans sans hospitalisation

Recrutement clôturé
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